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Gain Trust. Get Vetted.

The Hip Senior puts the safety of senior citizens above all else by personally vettting each business listed in our directory. We continue to monitor our sites for any foul play that would put seniors at risk. 62% of consumers say they are loyal to brands they can trust. According to studies, a loyalty increase of 7% can boost lifetime profits per customer by up to 85%.

vetted business senior citizens save

The HIP Senior

Looking for more Information about us? Check out our communities and learn first hand how we can help your business grow.

Joining Our Community of Trusted HIP Senior Service Providers Offers:

Editorials & Articles

Submit articles to entertain and educate seniors, which in return spotlights your business.

Directory Listings

Let your listing showcase your business and attract more customers.

Targeted Advertising

Advertise on our senior related websites and social media platforms.

Podcast Spotlight

Our podcast offers advertising, sponsorship, and guest spotlight opportunities.

Personalized Marketing Plan

Let us take your digital marketing efforts to the next level by creating a plan just for you.

Networking Opportunities

Network with other senior service providers nationwide to help expand your reach.

Ready to Reach New Customers?
Join Our Community Today.

Have questions? Call us now 937-313-6816

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